Monday 7 April 2014

pizza vodka and hangs

W/we have a friend. Someone I've known for a little while. She's cute. Been in the scene for a while. Has kids, has a life. A pretty weird messed up sort life. Like U/us lol. 

Well she came over on Saturday. Nothing big. No big scene no big expectations. Just massages and some fun. He wanted to give her a massage. Not one of "those" massages but He knows she's pretty stressed so He thought it would be nice. W/we all knew where it would end up. W/we're all pretty open so it was no big deal. Just lots of fun. 

Only problem is due to how hot it was and the fact i was a bit drunk, pmsing, i crashed. That's never happened in front of anyone but Him. i was so embarrassed. It wasn't my normal crash. Quite tame actually.  Thank god. But it was still enough to freak me out. 

Lesson of the story for me. Having fun is great but i need to tell Him when i'm overheating. For nothing more then to not feel like a dickhead. Good thing though is she understands it all so it was no major problem. Doesn't mean my embarrassment was even dulled any. 

When i crash with Him it's ok. He's seen my at my worse. For fucks sake He's seen me pretty much dead! It might seem scary and i know it worries Him but it means that He's got me. He's put me there with so much love and passion that my body can't take it any longer. I sleep better if i crash. Suppose my bodies way of letting it all go. 

But in front of someone else. Fuck i hope it doesn't happen again!