Tuesday 17 September 2013


Surprised again, but i'm guessing that's how Sir prefers it!

We've had a bit of a rough patch the last few weeks, my "issues" not really helping and the fact He's a tad tired after work doesn't help either. But obviously being a committed couple in this sort of relationship is always going to be hard work. It's work though I'm willing to keep working with!

We had a pretty big weekend ahead of us.  A friend getting married on Friday with the ceremony being nearly 2 hours away.  These events always take it out of me.  Anything with a big emotional tie can be really hard on me.  We left home at 8am and got home at 11pm so it was a REALLY big day.  i do love weddings though and we enjoyed it.  Got some fun photos and got to hang out with some lovely people.  my emotions kicked in a little bit but Sir seemed to take this all on board which really helped me.

Saturday we chilled out.  Didn't do anything overly interesting.  i suppose we just got over the wedding lol.  Sunday we got to hang with the couple and play happy families in a local park.  It was really lovely.

Sunday night however, Sir had ulterior motives!  Again i revert to my books i've been reading.  Damn that smut always turning me on and filling my mind with naughty naughty thoughts! my train rides to and from work filled with these exciting yet scary tales, making the trips pleasurable yet my yearning for one of the characters to be me growing. Well, my cheeky, knowing Master, i think unknowingly brought one of these pleasures to life.

We started with some play, some punishment, i suppose because i've been a bit of a shit the last few weeks. Then the biggest teasing session Sir has EVER put me through.  Hands bound behind my back, kneeling but bent over our play bed (a low fold up futon).  Sir teased and teased and teased and He had me moaning for more every time He moved away.  my sobs getting louder each time He left me but when He re-entered my body exploded in ecstasy.  i moved my hips in ways i didn't realise i could.  For someone who's done various styles of dancing and still does dance to this day that was very confusing.  All i could think was in one of my books how the slaves were taught to dance about.  Show their Masters and Mistresses how much they wanted them.  How much they wanted to please them.  Now i was doing that too!

Sir took great gratification in this.  His words piercing me making the pleasure grow and grow.  A lot of people don't realise the power of words.  Words can hurt, heal, and now, create pleasure above all kinds.  With His teasing, His words, i rode my ecstasy to levels i wasn't aware of having.  Then i was allowed to take His release into my mouth.  i have yet to master this and again i thought i failed Him.  But by taking as much as i could i was told that He was proud.  Again, one simple quote "I'm proud of you" holds so much meaning to a submissive who just wants to make her Master feel this way, 24/7, even though we don't "live" the lifestyle.

Practice makes perfect, i know Sir likes to release in my mouth so i'm hoping one day i can take it all without any more issues.  But our night is now on my top of the list as the best night we've shared in our BDSM journey.  The others still hold their own.  Obviously doing something new and trying to master it will always take the top shelf but this one, this time, just blew me away.

Thank you Sir, for seeing my dreams, and for letting me make your proud.

image from https://www.facebook.com/pages/At-His-Feet/397940516965625

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