Monday 8 July 2013

three little words

i know i have "mental health issues" and i am difficult to live with. But there's one question that can make me lose the plot when i've already or am just about to cross that line;


Really? You want me to list everything that's wrong with me. Because the list would fill the biggest encyclopedia in the world, maybe even two. How about you ask me what's right. That list, well when i think about it doesn't exist.  Not when i'm in "one of those moods" anyway. Honestly, i might be able to get five things for you. And that's a struggle.

We all do it. Don't think about how we should talk to people even on a good day. A bad tone here or there, using the wrong words or wording even. It can make a huge difference to someone's reaction. Worse of all knowing that the person you claim to love is feeling like a shattered piece of glass with the self worth of a piece of rubbish, do you really think "what's wrong with you" is the best way to approach a fragile situation?

What i would really appreciate is so simple you would be really surprised. Three little words that show you do actually care. You are honestly interested in my well-being. And if this is too hard to say then leave me alone. i may be broken but unless you're going to be gentle with me then maybe its better to avoid the situation until you aren't angry either.

Three little words that might just stop someone wanting to end it all. Might close that door of pain that leads to self harm. Not that i'm a mater, far from it. This is something that i'm sure i should be doing to apart from ignoring you thinking the situation will diffuse.

Please, i'm begging you.  Even if this is not directly aimed at you maybe it will help in your relationships be it D/s, vanilla, parental, spousal or even just your mates. Even if they are acting "normal" or pretending they are fine. The three words will spread across them like the biggest hug from your most favourite grandma or that person from your childhood who always protected you. You weren't afraid and you knew they cared. Three words, of if they answer yes then they aren't ready but at least they know you are there. All you do us say the most simple phrase in your life;


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