Wednesday 25 February 2015

tomorrow night

It's the first event T/they're going to

an actual event ... not the first outing but he first event

she is very anxious please understand this

please don't undermine her feelings

please understand that she can't control the panic

she doesn't expect You to understand it but by saying it's nothing or there's no reason for it makes her feel more broken than she already is 

being around people is hard enough 

being around people and performing is harder 

this isn't like getting up on stage ... that's not the mask she's wearing

this mask is Your mask and she's scared that she'll embarrass You

and it's just You she's doing this for

You're the only one she knows 

You're the only one that matters

and with all that You've said and expect she doesn't want to fuck it up

but she's fucked up so much lately

failed at almost everything she's tried

please help her

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